
October 27


Miles ahead: That’s why language learning is best for your child

By Laura Bacher

October 27, 2020

Bilingual education

Through contact with a foreign language as early as possible, the brain is stimulated, and development is promoted in several directions. With early foreign language support, your child experiences another mother tongue. Speaking a foreign language at home with the parents in the research field is not essential for learning success. Instead, the occupation with authentic materials plays a role. They provide the linguistic role model to be imitated outside the learning centers. If the parents are not bilingual, this would even lead to the danger of appropriating their linguistic mistakes. Therefore, the targeted organization of English-speaking encounters outside the learning centers through audio/visual materials is essential and should be given preference.

Learning through play

A waste of time? Kid stuff? No, playing is healthy because children love to learn about their lives. Children play around seven hours a day. Parents should maintain and encourage this natural thirst for knowledge and urge to discover as much as possible. Because too often, the school does not satisfy this play instinct. School contents become drier during school time, and motivation falls by the wayside. Children learn best when they play.

Best foundation for life

Since English is the number one language globally, our children’s later professional lives must master this language as confidently as possible. In terms of vocabulary, listening, and reading skills, most spring learners outperform their peers who do not begin learning until they are teenagers. Foreign language lessons are offered as early as never before, usually from the first grade of elementary school. However, with one or two hours a week for young students, you don’t get very far. That’s even the case when studying over more extended periods of time. You should provide additional support if you want to offer your child a language advantage. Please help your child to a benefit for his or her future!

Rooting the desire to learn

When children learn a foreign language, informal learning and learning with fun and curiosity are essential. Children blossom when unfamiliar sounds and sentence melodies surround them during their vacations. These auditory stimuli represent puzzles that they try to solve in their curiosity. This is also how language learning in school should look like. Unfortunately, it does not because there is not enough time, and a specific learning plan with tests must be followed.

As children, you are served bites of a language in the classroom – the magic of discovery is often lost. They should be able to give information about when to use the Past Perfect and the Present Perfect Continuous. Additionally, kids learn individual words by heart in isolation. This traditional learning method is not at all brain-friendly and demotivates children. Bring back the joy and fun of learning for your child! With the video language courses of brain-friendly, we create situations similar to those in which a small child grows up and learns.

Learning languages is healthy and makes you smart

From developmental advantages in thinking and acting to more empathy towards other people: The benefits of bilingualism in childhood are broadly diversified. The intellectual potential is not only genetically determined but is also influenced by early brain stimulation. In this way, new and more substantial nerve tracts are formed. The brain is trained in language learning while motor skills are developed, and the ability to think is stimulated.

So a foreign language not only looks good on your CV and when applying for universities, but it also improves your communication skills and prepares your child for later travel or a career abroad. Neuroscientific studies also show that even the slightest contact with another language becomes visible in children’s brains. Bilingual children should be able to process information more quickly and direct their attention more precisely. And: language skills should even protect against dementia in old age.

Laura Bacher

About the author

Laura has been a big fan of foreign languages since her childhood. She grew up bilingual - English and German - and through international vacations, she got a taste of many other languages.

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